Sunday, March 1, 2009

Too bad!

An EconomicTimes article on immigration says ....

[...]large parts of the general public are more than aware that a skewed welfare system, a generation of soft living, a screwed up education system, and a lack of available skills[...]

Sounds uncannily familiar? No, it's not uncle Sam we are talking here. It's their partner in all crimes, the Great Britain that's being referred.

As much as I hate to break this to the Brits, but, having too many facilities without having to pay for it have there own consequences. Too bad, you dug yourself into one hole...

In case you missed the big news gulping all those beers sitting on your snobbish little asses (and taking 3 months paid leaves), your big brother on the west of the Atlantic is currently dealing with his own screw ups. So good luck trying to get off that nanny state.

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