Wednesday, August 5, 2009


- Hitting the sweet spot on your Golf swing and breaching 200 mark

- Making a smooth turn on a curve on a freeway ramp

- Using curse words chatting with your old friend

- Getting right that perfect 5ver on a Foosball

- Surprise at your bag being the first to roll off a Baggage Claim Carousel !!

- Wise crack gone wild ...

- Closing a deal

- Finding the right gift

- Finding the right words

- Shouting yourself hoarse after your team's win

- Rooting for someone

- Cracking a real bad joke and feeling good about it..

- Surprising "her" out of the the blue..

- Making Dal Tadka and getting it RIGHT

- An email from your high school friend you haven't spoken in zillion years

- Breaking traffic rules in Nagpur and "going with the flow"

- Reflecting and realizing... "It wasn't that bad after all :)"


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